Week 4 Voxpop : I am ACTIZEN
Type of Activity Video Documentation, Community Survey
Week 4 Voxpop : “I am ACTIZEN” ...................................................................................... 1
Type of Activity Video Documentation, Community Survey ....................................... 1
Introduction What is vox pop? ........................................................................................... 1
Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................ 1
Activity guidelines ................................................................................................................. 1
Guidelines for Vox pop ....................................................................................................... 2
Questionnaire I am ACTIZEN ........................................................................................ 3
Questions to be asked ....................................................................................................... 3
Introduction What is vox pop?
Vox pops are short interview segments filmed with members of the public/society. They are a great
way to add new perspectives and different viewpoints in different concepts and practices.
**Adapted from BBC Academy
Expected Outcomes
1. Students will understand the direction and recording of interviews in a fun way
2. Students will recognize the importance of different views and perspectives of different
Activity guidelines
Pre-preparation -
a. Explain the activity to club members that they need to conduct a short survey with people
from different age groups that may or may not belong to the same area or society.
b. Divide the members and make pairs of 2 members in each group.
c. Divide the responsibilities, 1 Member will ask questions, and 1 member will record the
d. Each group will interview at least 5 adults.
e. Groups can take interviews of family members; ideally from different age groups.
f. Students need to rehearse before taking interviews and be prepared for the video shoot.
They can take the help of their siblings or friends to hold the camera and record the
g. Don’t try to give answers/probe the answers just record as it is.
Guidelines for Vox pop
Reference BBC Academy (https://www.bbc.co.uk/academy/en/articles/art20141029111247531)
1. Choose your location wisely
A busy street gives you the best chance of
finding someone to talk to, but your safety is
the priority. Be accompanied by some adult
or conduct the interviews in the safety of
your society’s premises. Be aware of picking
up too much background noise.
2. Be organized
Don’t make your contributors wait for you.
Be ready with your mobile phone or camera
in hand, and with the questionnaire.
3. Be clear
Explain to your contributors why you’d like to
talk to them and describe what it is that you
are filming. Your contributors need to know
where it’s likely to end up. Get their full name
and occupation recorded.
4. Listen
Check the volume so that you can hear your
contributors. If they’re too close you’ll hear a
popping noise, too far away, and you’ll start
hearing traffic noise. It’s good to select a
peaceful location.
5. Be consistent
Ask everyone the same question.
6. Quantity and quality
Get as many different contributions as you
can, but the minimum is 5. Change your
camera angles for different contributors to
keep the vox pop visually interesting.
What does
y means
to us?
nts of
Questionnaire I am ACTIZEN
The time required 5-10 minutes per interviewee
Questions to be asked
1. Which form of Government does India have?
2. Which other countries follow the Democratic form of Government?
3. Why is India called the World’s Largest Democracy?
4. What are the Rights and Duties that we have as an Indian Citizen?
5. If one day you’ll find our National Flag lying on the road, what will you do?
6. Which are the basic documents you must have as an Indian Citizen?
7. What is the difference between the Aadhar Card and PAN Card? What is the importance of
8. What is the full form of KYC? Which institutions demand the same?
9. If you want to file a complaint about a pile of a garbage dump in your vicinity, how would
you do that?
10. Can Citizens solve the Civic irregularities in their area? Yes/No. If Yes, How?
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